Dave Coulier, who famously portrayed Joey in the television show “Full House,” left no topic untouched during his stand-up comedy routine at the Brown-Lupton University Union ballroom Wednesday evening.
Using his distinctive voice imitations, Coulier provoked laughter from more than 600 students for over an hour by poking fun at everything from the Chinese Olympic gymnastics team to Shaquille O’Neal to his own mother.
Programming Council chair Kristen Chapman said the group wanted a “novelty act” who would be familiar to students.
Chapman, who described Coulier as a “clean comedian,” said she was impressed by the celebrity’s willingness to reach out to college students.
Coulier said he doesn’t use curse words because he grew up watching clean comedians.
“It’s not that I’m a prude, it’s just that when I grew up, we were laughing at the funny part without the filthy part,” Coulier said.
Sean Owen, a sophomore computer science major, said a comedian can be funny without using curse words.
“It’s funnier when you don’t have to use the four letter words,” Owen said. “If you can be funny without being crude, it shows real talent.”