The Student Government Association’s House of Student Representatives passed four new bills in its meeting Tuesday night, all of them written by the Elections & Regulations Committee.
The first bill discussed was “A Bill to Modify Campaign Rules.” The bill clarified the definition of “campaigning” within the Student Body Code, also giving the finite starting and ending dates of when a campaign can be run, as well as runoff procedure. The bill passed unanimously.
The second bill also passed unanimously, which was titled “A Bill to Clarify Standards of People Involved in Campaigns.” This bill forces candidates running for office to acquire the written consent of TCU-connected individuals – faculty, students and university employees – before their images or quotes can be used to gather votes and campaign for office.
The third bill that was brought to the House caused debate and sought out an amendment. “A Bill to Determine Members of Campaign Staffs” makes candidates running for office name each member of their campaign staff. This makes a candidate become liable for the actions of members of their campaign staff in a situation where misconduct is discovered.
Additionally, the bill requires campaign staff members to attend an election information session. The debate came about when the discussion was made to add non-TCU affiliated individuals into the bill.
After debate, the bill did pass with a statement that non-TCU individuals must sign a waiver to participate in the campaigning events. The bill passed with two abstentions from representatives.
A new bill was introduced at the end of the meeting. “A Bill to Allow Student Organizations to Endorse Candidates” stated that any student organization should have the right to publicly support a candidate running for office. Discussion of the bill was put off until next week in order for the Elections & Regulations committee to vote on the bill.