One of the common debates that springs up every year around Christmastime is the involvement of religion in the celebration of the winter holidays. People will inevitably pit secular against moderate against conservative all in an attempt to answer the question “How much Christ should there be in Christmas?’
Some advocate the idea of Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Others advocate that the holiday dates back to ancient times, when those living in primarily agricultural societies feasted because the worst part of winter was over. Still others, primarily business owners, worship the green god of money, given that Christmas spending gives the economy a much-needed kick in the pants every season.
So what is the true meaning of Christmas 8212; money or gods? In truth, it doesn’t matter. The amount of religion people or families puts into the holidays is their business. Christmas should be a time for unity, not for arguing anyway.
Think about all the Christmas movies you see once the Halloween marathons are over. Each one tends to have the message that no matter how much you don’t believe in Santa or however much you may be the black sheep in your family, it won’t matter once you are all together in time for the Christmas miracle.
And what is the Christmas miracle? It’s being in the same room with extended family for 24 hours without any major mishaps. It’s letting go of the idea that a spending a lot of money on a good present will make for an enjoyable holiday and deciding instead to spend more time thinking about other people than you think about yourself.
Six billion people will never come together to agree on the meaning of a single day. But legendary snow days, hot chocolate with marshmallows and feel-good movies aside, Christmas is still a great time to do some soul searching. Religious and non-religious alike can still donate time and money to charity any time during the year. They both still spend time with their families. That way, no matter where on the political or religious spectrum you may fall, you’re still helping other people and you’re still in tune with the spirit of the season.
And if everyone thought that way, then what’s left to argue about?
Libby Davis is from Coppell. She is a senior journalism and history double major and editor-in-chief of the TCU Daily Skiff.