Fashion and Beyond (F.A.B.) president Kaygan Tissue said she has big ideas for the club.
Recently, 20 members came to the club's movie night event. They watched The September Issue, a movie about the making of the Sept. 2007 Vogue issue. The club currently has 83 members.
Pink slips with questions about the movie were handed out to each member. After the movie, the members turned in their pink slips.
Advisor Sally Fortenberry had gift cards from Café Brazil, Lane-Knight and Peruvian Atelier to give away to the three people who correctly answered the most questions on the pink slips.
Tissue said the ultimate goal for the club is to have a fashion runway show. It would involve boutiques from around the area and, the models would consist of students who volunteered to help out.
Fortenberry said F.A.B. would invite guest speakers from the local fashion industry to speak with the club.
“[Dallas] is a really good place for the fashion industry to be,” Fortenberry said.
The members would learn how to be a part of the industry by volunteering and helping out behind the scenes at fashion shows, she said.
Fortenberry said she hoped the club could host a fashion week during the spring. The club would have a different event every night for four nights.
F.A.B. does not have a set meeting schedule as of now, but it can be followed for the latest information on Twitter @FashionAndBeyon or the Facebook page “F.A.B. Fashion And Beyond.”