Details have been released about the recent arrests of three former TCU football players. One of the players was shot with pepper spray.
According to offense reports, Dallas police officers were called to a downtown Dallas night club where one of the players wouldn't give up a bottle of alcohol and Jerry Hughes, Stephen Hodge and Cory Grant would not leave at closing time.
When the officers arrived, they said the argument was happening outside of the club. Hodge and Hughes said they would take Grant and leave.
After the crowd at the club left, officers saw another argument a block away starting to turn physical.
When the officers started to arrest Grant, Hughes tried to pull him away from the officers. When Hughes refused to stop, officers arrested him as well, according to the reports.
Police told Hodge three times to walk away, but when he refused, an officer shot Hodge's face with pepper spray and arrested him.
All three men were arrested on suspicion of public intoxication and taken to a Dallas jail.
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