Students are utilizing the new wing of the library to study for upcoming finals.
The expansion of Mary Couts Burnett Library has prompted administration to implement changes to security measures, including more security cameras and additional night guards.
“With the expansion, security continues to be a primary concern, and a lot has changed because we extended into the new wing,” said June Koelker, the dean of the library.
Because the library now has two entrances, more security procedures are needed that help the old and new wings to work with each other, Koelker said.
“We added many new things in addition to the security we have always had,” said Koelker.
The new additions to library safety include security cameras in the new wing, police guards on staff at night, doors that require a swipe to enter and a full-time staff when the library is open.
“There is a different deployment of security because the footprint of the library has changed,” Koelker said. “There are more people in more space doing the same jobs as before.”
“Security is here any time we are open, despite it being the middle of the day or late at night,” said Koelker.
The amount of people in the library varies depending on the day of the week.
“Since we are getting closer to exam week, it will begin getting more crowded late at night,” said Koelker.
“Around midnight we normally have about 150 to 200 people, around 2 a.m. it levels off to about 50, and then about 30 people are left after that,” Koelker added.
Before the new wing opened, there were no issues with library security; however, more security is now necessary due to the larger footprint of the new wing, Koelker said.
“In a good place, people work together, just like the dean of the library working with TCU police and the physical plant. It makes for a very effective delivery,” Koelker said.
Students leaving the library late at night can use Froggie Five-0, call campus police and ask for an escort or use the campus shuttle map to find when and where the shuttle is located to get home safely.
“We try to be here and be helpful to contribute to student safety,” Koelker said.