Former president Bill Clinton came out to the Trinity River campus of Tarrant County College Monday morning to rally support for his wife Hillary and increase voter turnout in the March 1 Super Tuesday election.

“If we’re gonna win this fight, we have got to have all hands on board,” the former president said. “And I don’t think there’s any question who can best do that.”
Bill Clinton named seven aspects that make up Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s political platform. They focus mostly on reforms, unity promotion, and continuing improvements in healthcare small business support.
The former president spent much of his speech highlighting the need for unity and the importance of inclusiveness.

To increase national and government unity, Bill Clinton said politicians need to focus on the coming generations.
Bill Clinton said that “student loans are the only loan that cannot be refinanced.” Hillary Clinton’s political platform would reform the way student loans are paid off.
The proposed reform has the option to refinance student loans and remove a portion of the debt with a year of public service work, like teaching, or remove the debt entirely with two years of public service work.
The former president used recent events, such as race-related police shootings, to support his wife’s platform.
“We need more police…who look like the people they’re patrolling,” Bill Clinton said.
He also put an importance on the need for community groups to review crime with police to find the truth.
Bill Clinton used the case of water pollution in Flint, Michigan to support the creation of jobs in the United States.
“We have not kept up with infrastructure demands,” he said. “Let’s keep jobs in the U.S. and clean out the pipes.”
Bill Clinton also said his wife’s goal is to have every household in the country powered by clean energy, a feat that “would create thousands of jobs” for the unemployed.
Hillary Clinton is a bright spot according to some in the presidential race for reasons other than her platform.
Yvette Branch, a Hillary Clinton supporter, said she is more enthusiastic about this election than past elections because of her daughter.

“As a parent of a girl, I think it’s very important to have good role models she can aspire to be like,” said Branch.
Hillary Clinton would be the first female president in U.S. history if she wins the democratic candidacy and beats the Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential election.
Story written by Kat Matthews and Video shot and edited by Joey McReynolds.