The TCU Rangers carry the flags on the field during a football game. (Photo Courtesy: TCU Rangers)

Leadership and Horned Frog spirit are what drive the TCU Rangers, according to their leadership team.
The Rangers are a spirit organization with a “two-fold purpose,” said Rangers co-president David Penn.
“Our main goal is to be out there and support TCU athletics in any way that we can,” Penn said. “In addition to supporting TCU athletics, it’s about being a part of the TCU community and helping people engage in the TCU community so that all of our members can grow and develop and become better leaders.”
The Rangers organization was created in 2009 by students, the chancellor and the athletics director to enhance spirit, said the Rangers coach Jason Lesikar.
“They wanted a way to involve more students and increase spirit and visibility on the field,” Lesikar said.
Their jobs include operating the Frog Horn, raising the field goal nets, running the flags and shooting the t-shirt cannon during football games.
In addition to attending TCU athletic events, the Rangers support the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and participate in the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, co-president Diana Schwene said.
They are most known for their appearances on the football field, but the Rangers also participate at baseball games, women’s soccer games and men’s basketball games.
Penn said the Rangers are comprised of a variety of students and recruit those who want to be involved on campus.
“We want people who want to engage further in the TCU community and see other sides that they are not a part of,” Penn said.
Applications for the Rangers can be found on their OrgSync page.
For more information about the Rangers email them at tcurangers.gmail.com or find them on Facebook.