COVID-19 has restricted the practices and routines of TCU’s spirit groups.
The groups include the cheerleaders, the TCU Showgirls and SuperFrog.
In previous years, the cheerleaders led the crowd in cheers and chants, the Showgirls danced and did half-time and third-quarter performances on the field, and SuperFrog bounced through the crowd, giving high fives and interacting with fans.
Restrictions and limited interaction have taken a toll on the TCU spirit groups, but some members of the teams were worried before the season began.
Kaydianna Davis, a senior Showgirl and team captain, expressed concerns about the upcoming football season at TCU.
“I was really worried that we would not be allowed to have a season, much less dance at the games,” said Davis.
After the Big 12 announced it would go ahead with the football season, members of the groups expressed concern about the ability to get together for practices at the beginning of the semester.
The spirit groups were allowed to start team practices the third week of school, as long as they followed strict precautions.
“We can practice together as long as we wear masks at all times and stay six feet apart,” said Bailee Utter, a second-year Showgirl.

The cheerleaders are not allowed to practice their stunts or pyramids. Instead, they can only do things that will allow them to stay six feet apart at all times.
“Stunting would allow us to only be a few inches apart,” said Megan Berra, a senior cheerleader.
SuperFrog is not allowed to interact with his fans; he cannot give them a high five, hug or even take a picture with them.
Despite not knowing if they were going to have a season due to COVID-19, the TCU spirit groups are excited to be on the field.
“Even though this year is different, it is still a huge honor to get to cheer on the Frogs and promote school spirit,” said Jordan Tijerina, a junior cheerleader.