Nurse Lindsie Schuster, RN, is the first in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine from pharmacist Annette Ozuna as DHR Health administers their first batch of the COVID-19 vaccines at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, in Edinburg, Texas. (Photo: AP Newsroom)
Some TCU students are eager to receive the COVID-19 vaccine while others remain weary.
The university received its second round of 100 doses from Moderna last month, Brown-Lupton Health Center Medical Director Dr. Jane Torgerson said.
TCU will not require students to take the vaccine but will encourage those eligible to take it.
First year pre-business student, Leslie Parra, said she plans on taking the vaccine as soon as she can.
“Ever since the beginning of the pandemic, I have witnessed the horrors that such a virus has imposed on our society; therefore, I have been anxiously waiting for a vaccine hoping that it will help our country manage our COVID-19 cases,” Parra said. “I am just trying to do my part in the larger effort to end the pandemic.”

Speculation around the vaccine
There are many speculations around the vaccines. Some say they were too rushed, they will permanently change your DNA, or are more dangerous than COVID-19, according to CNN.
Dr. Torgerson said she believes the science behind the vaccines.
“The fact that they were developed quickly does not concern me,” she said. “I have received my first dose and will encourage my children to get the vaccine when it is their turn.”
First year nursing student, Temi Akande, said she also plans on taking the vaccine because she trusts the good they can do.
“If people took 5 minutes to research the COVID-19 vaccine, they would be able to come up with their own reasons to take or not to take the vaccine,” she said. “I plan on taking it because I care enough about my life and the lives of others to do my part in stopping the spread of COVID-19.”
First year pre-business accounting student, Se’myris Morris, said she doesn’t plan on taking the vaccine.
“At this point, I do not plan on taking the vaccine because I am worried about how it will affect my reproductive system long term,” Morris said. “I do not think there is enough research done to take it yet.”
A longing for normal
Both Parra and Morris spoke about how the pandemic has affected their college experience.
Parra said COVID-19 has negatively impacted her first-year on campus.

“Because of the pandemic, my class has had very limited opportunities to socialize and establish relationships, and we missed out on many of TCU’s traditions designed to help us integrate into the school,” she said.
Morris talked about how the pandemic has changed how she builds relationships.
“Before coming to TCU, I was visiting with my sister and I was excited about being on campus, and since COVID-19 has happened a lot of events were canceled and we were forced to build bonds virtually,” she said.
No timeline for next shipment
Director of Emergency Management Sean Taylor said TCU is following allocation guidance from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“We have asked the campus community to register with us and Tarrant County both,” he said. “Our primary goal is to improve immunity to COVID-19 at TCU and in the greater community.”
There is a link to register for the COVID-19 vaccine on the TCU website.
The university began vaccinating Health Center staff and other campus priority members in December.
READ MORE: TCU receives first batch of COVID-19 vaccines
Taylor said there is no timeline on when TCU will receive its next shipment of vaccines.