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Unscripted: NBA playoffs update and NFL draft review
Unscripted: NBA playoffs update and NFL draft review
By Ethan Love, Executive Producer
Published May 1, 2024
Watch this week for a breakdown on the NBA playoffs and the NFL draft.

    The Riot to unite spirit groups on game days

    The Riot to unite spirit groups on game days

    Thanks to a new student movement called the Riot, TCU students will be encouraged to enter the Big 12 with bigger and better school spirit.

    Saturday's game against Grambling State is the Riot's first football game. Students from all different organizations on campus are participating in the movement.

    The leader of the Riot, senior Michael Drozd, said organizations such as theCrew and Hyperfrogs are working together to initiate the Riot. The Riot is not an organization, Drozd said, but a movement to get the entire student body excited about TCU sports.

    Student Government Association gave Drozd and a group of students a budget to increase student programming, he said.

    "We wanted to talk to students and ask them what they really wanted to see at sporting events," Drozd said.

    For example, Hyperfrogs coordinated with the Riot to hold a "Fear the Frog" sign spanning two of the student sections.

    "It's the Big 12. It's a big year," sophomore pre-major Shannon Mossler said. She is a member of Hyperfrogs, the Crew, and the Riot.

    The goal of the Riot, Mossler said, is to unite groups together to increase school spirit.

    "We are trying to bring a new element to spirit at TCU, and combining it with well-respected groups on campus," Mossler said.

    For future games, the Riot is trying to find new ways for Frogs to show their pride.

    "We are trying to start a blackout for the K-State game for football," Drozd said.

    To get involved in planning for the Riot, like their page on Facebook and send the group a message.