While the minds of many on the TCU campus are turned toward today’s vote on Proposition 2, we must not forget about the other reason to go to the polls: student body elections.Each fall, the Student Government Association changes its leadership by bringing in new faces with new ideas for improving the student experience. This is your chance as a student to decide who you want to represent you over the next year.
Eleven of our classmates have decided they want to make a difference and have “thrown their hat into the ring.”
They have been visiting campus organizations and dotting the TCU landscape with signs containing plays on words and obscure movie references all to get out their name and message.
It is important that you vote for the person you feel is the most qualified for each position.
The ballot also includes a referendum for a proposed increase in the student body fee.
Students will have the opportunity to vote for or against an increase in three areas: Activities Funding Board, Programming Council and permanent improvements to campus. A vote can be cast to increase the amount of each section from $0 to $10 each semester.
In addition, there is the opportunity to vote whether to allow the student body fee to fluctuate each year based on the Consumer Price Index to account for changes in inflation.
In order for the referendum to be binding, at least 2,000 votes must be cast.
When you vote, you should be choosing who shares many of your same ideals.
No matter who gets your vote, it is imperitive you let your voice be heard. If you have had problems with SGA in the past, here is an opportunity to speak out.
Information about each of the candidates and the referendum can be found by going to tcudailyskiff.com or sga.tcu.edu. You can cast your vote at my.tcu.edu.
News Editor Michael Bishop for the Editorial Board.