Nationally, about 20 percent to 25 percent of college women say they have been victims of attempted sexual assault, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.And that 25 percent isn’t comprehensive. Only about 39 percent of all assaults are reported, the CDC estimates.
With this semester’s investigations of reported on-campus and area sexual assaults, students should realize TCU is not immune to sexual violence. It can happen here, and there’s a good chance it does.
Not all violent attacks can be prevented, but in some instances they could be if students take precautions to reduce the chances. And in case those precautions fail, students should prepare themselves.
TCU Police Chief Steve McGee suggests students:
– Develop a buddy system.
– Take special care when drinking alcohol.
– Avoid suspicious people.
– Know your surroundings and be on
your guard.
– Try not to walk alone, especially in
the dark.
– Never leave your drink unattended.
Just as important, students should learn how to defend themselves should they ever get in this kind of situation. The TCU Police sponsor Rape Aggression Defense Systems classes for women on campus. Because the class is free, the only cost is 12 hours of a student’s time. And for something that could save your life, 12 hours isn’t asking much.
If attacked, students should try to remember the following tips from the Fort Worth Police Department’s Web site:
– Don’t panic.
– Know what you are capable of doing.
– Do anything necessary to survive
the attack.
McGee said students should also carry pepper spray and their keys with car alarm buttons. If a student is attacked, he or she should report the assault immediately.
Managing editor Adrienne Lang for the editorial board.