In an effort to save money, the university is no longer paying the convenience fee for those students and parents who choose to pay their tuition with a credit card.
Although the school is putting that money toward financial aid, it doesn’t sweeten the fact that the school has put another financial burden on the shoulders of students and parents.
And on top of the added fee, the university has stopped accepting Visa, a popular card choice for many.
Having the option to pay tuition with a credit card was a huge convenience, not to mention a money-saver when many card companies offer airline miles and other benefits in exchange for dollars spent. Tacking on a fee to those wishing to earn points, miles and other rewards by paying with a card is unfair, especially when the university has set a precedent of picking up the tab.
The extra charge has driven many to opt for an alternative form of payment when their first choice was to swipe their tuition and not have the burden of writing a check each month.
The university said it will use the money saved to increase financial aid, but not all students receive it.
With an unstable economy, it is expected for all institutions to look for ways to cut back. But in this situation, the university is making a cutback that merely shifts a hefty burden onto its students and their families. Sure, other forms of payments exist, but it’s unfair to tack fees onto one more than half of students chose to use previously.
Editor-in-chief Bailey Shiffler for the editorial board.