Every day as the clock strikes nine at TCU, campus parking lots are full of unfortunate students.
Circling the lot, they hope against hope that someone is on the way out.
In the likely event that a student is running out of time and someone is a, not leaving or b, speeds in at break-neck speed to the spot, students are faced with a major dilemma.
How does one choose between parking illegally and inviting a rather large ticket from the motorcycle cop who stands ready to pounce or being late for class? This is an especially tough choice when some teachers won’t allow you in the room or count off of your grade if you are late.
It is true that parking pains are not unique to TCU. That is why many campuses have invested in parking garages.
SMU and Baylor have multiple garages, and even UTA has one.
A multi-level parking garage would increase parking spaces without expanding the amount of land currently allocated for parking and would be far more convenient than the shuttle system being pushed by the administration.
We are being urged to wait for and ride little shuttles like we did back in grade school. Would they like us to sing “the wheels on the bus go round and round,” as well during the ride to our classes?
The fact is that shuttles are extremely inconvenient.
Students are expected to drive to campus, park far away from the school, take a shuttle to said school, and take another shuttle back to our cars.
Alumni who graduated years ago complained about the parking situation. Articles have been written about the situation for years and people have complained until they are blue in the face.
However, even with the precedence set forth by other universities and the continual complaints, TCU has committed to their own idea of what students need.
With tuition going up another 5 percent to $28,250, not to mention the $75 parking permit, shouldn’t our money be used on something we truly need?
Our time is better spent in the classroom rather than circling around the parking lots frantically worrying about catching the shuttle and making it to class while narrowly avoiding fist fights with spot stealers.
Students are already stressed about homework, classes and professors during the school week. The university should take parking stress off of our plate.