In these times of economic uncertainty, everyone is looking to save a buck, especially those paying for college or working to pay rent on their own. If you think the only way students can receive a scholarship is by making straight A’s or being the star basketball player, you’re wrong. The university and other programs and institutions offer a handful of scholarships with unusual criteria but not so unusual rewards (money). If you spin the dreidel in December or aspire to be the next Willy Wonka, you might be eligible to receive one of these scholarships.
The following are special eligibility scholarships from TCU:
The Zelda Ramsey Scholarship
Any ladies in the house? The Arlington Business and Professional Women’s Club Inc. gives away its annual Zelda Ramsey Scholarship to women in need of financial aid. The $500 to $1,000 scholarship is aimed at women who are returning to college after being part of the work force.
The Bermont Family Undergraduate Jewish Student Scholarship
This scholarship gives away a varied amount of money to undergraduate students whose parents are religious leaders of the Jewish faith.
JELD-WEN Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship awards a $2,000 scholarship for tuition, fees and books to an incoming freshman eligible for financial aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. What’s the catch? The applicant must come from a town with a JELD-WENwindow and door plant nearby, so crack open that old map of your hometown you have laying around in your attic and start the search.
The Adrienne Miller Perner Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship offers its scholarship to female ballet majors whose parents or grandparents are or have been part of the armed forces or military. Although the scholarship is based on talent, if you can’t stand on your toes or do 32 fouettes in a row, there’s still hope. Those who volunteer and are active in the community can also qualify, even if you’re not the best of in your class.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship
This scholarship is given out to student who best exemplify the values and ideals of MLK in their own lives. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA, two letters of recommendation, and a 750-word essay describing their “Service to Humanity” – their present or proposed career, and how it would reflect the dreams of MLK.
TCU is not the only institution offering monetary rewards. Here is a list of scholarships awarded for various qualifications and talents:
The Klingon Language Institute
Hablas espanol? Sprechen Sie Deutsch? How’s your Klingon? The Klingon Language Institute awards $500 to a language studies graduate or undergraduate student recognized by his or her department chair. The award is not limited to Trekkies, however: a degree toward any language will suffice.
The National Candy Technologists Scholarship Program
The snozberries taste like snozberries! The National Candy Technologists Scholarship Program gives $5,000 to a biological, chemical or food science major with a sophomore standing or above and a 3.0 GPA. Applicant must send in evidence of their interest in confectionery technology to the American Association of Candy Technologists, whether it be a research project or work experience. Hopefully an Oompa-Loompa or two will fit into the prized package.
The American Nudist Research Library Scholarship
Want a scholarship for doing nothing? How about wearing nothing? The American Nudist Research Library Scholarship awards $1,000 to a freshman or sophomore college student who has spent three years in a nudist organization and sends in a short essay detailing his or her experiences (but not too detailed, please). So drop your pants and get writing.
The Little People of America, Inc., scholarships
The Little People of America, Inc., scholarships range from $250 to over $1,000. If you or an immediate family member have been diagnosed with dwarfism and is an LPA member, you could be eligible.
The National Make It With Wool Competition
Have you any wool? Students in a college-level fashion or design class can enter the National Make It With Wool Competition. In order to win the $1,000 scholarship, competitors must create a garment made of 60% wool, and send it in to the national MIWW office with a description, photo and video explaining its marketability and appeal to the wool industry.