A bill awaiting approval by SGA’s Finance Committee may help students save a bit of money on test day.
Tuesday night, SGA Campus Advancement Committee proposed a bill to allocate money to purchase Scantrons for students, Jackie Wheeler, vice president of SGA, said. The Scantrons would be provided for free in the library.
The bill must be approved by the Finance Committee before a final decision by SGA members is made. If the bill is passed, SGA will make a trial run this semester by purchasing 2,500 Scantrons, Wheeler said.
Finalization of the bill should occur in next weeks’s SGA meeting.
Representatives also discussed the announcement of the SGA election winners, which will occur today at 1 p.m. Polls close at noon.
As of 11 a.m. Tuesday there were roughly 500 students who had already voted. There had not been this many votes this early in previous elections, Lizzy Caudill, elections and regulations chair, said.
“Last year we had 2,000 total and between 7 a.m. and 11, we have 500. I think that’s incredible,” Caudill said.
The winners of the election will be announced from the third floor balcony of the Brown-Lupton University Union. There will be a sign on Market Square’s balcony with the winners’ names listed with their elected position, Caudill said.
If a candidate does not get the 50 percent majority vote necessary to win, there will be a runoff voting process. If there is a runoff, polls will open Thursday from 7 a.m. to midnight and the winners will be announced on Friday, Caudill said.