Frogs for the Cure committee chair Ann Louden is driving for at least 100,000 YouTube views on the TCU “We Fight Back” flash mob video to be noticed by the Today show.
Louden, the chancellor’s associate for external relations and breast cancer survivor, coordinated the flash mob this summer. The video included celebrities, many university organizations and breast cancer survivors dancing to TCU alumnus Tim Halperin’s song.
The video was scheduled to broadcast on the Today show Friday morning but was cut due to changes in the live television lineup, according to Louden.
Senior film, television and digital media and spanish double major Katie Norry edited the flash mob video. Norry and Louden said they were disappointed after publicizing the Today show appearance to their friends and people involved with Frogs for the Cure. Halperin also tweeted the video’s scheduled feature and later sent another that said the segment might air Monday.
A Today show producer wrote in an e-mail given to TCU 360 the only way the video could be shown is if it received hundreds of thousands of hits within the week.
“People need to think outside the box,” Louden said. Co-workers, networks from internships and church friends were a few suggestions Louden made.
According to Louden, the promotional video was passed along to Kathie Lee Gifford, a Today show co-host, by Katie Stallard. Stallard is the mother of a TCU student, who attended church with the Gifford family. Louden said she described Halperin’s story as a young person connecting with a cause and creating a song to support breast cancer awareness.
Louden said she planned to contact TCU faculty, staff and students, celebrities included in the video, Susan G. Komen national and Greater Fort Worth officials and many others to spread the video. Halperin also created YouTube advertisements to increase views, Louden said. Norry and Louden are currently brainstorming more ways to promote the video
The video debuted at the TCU vs. BYU game at the Cowboys Stadium on Friday. There has been an overwhelming amount of positive feedback because of the quality and content of the video, Louden said. Although, the Frogs for the Cure game scheduled in late October was unfortunate for newsworthiness as breast cancer awareness month has ended, Norry said.
TCU’s smaller campus could help or hurt the video’s quota. TCU is community centered and was easier to contact officials because its accessibility, Louden said. But a larger or more recognized school doing something this scale would be easily picked up, Norry said.
“We should get national attention,” Louden said.
By Tuesday at 10 a.m., the video had nearly 6,900 views according to YouTube.