The faculty senate unanimously passed Resolution on Access to Wireless Networks at its meeting last Thursday.
The resolution, as stated in an article here, urges Technology Resources to make student access more reliable, open the wireless network to all TCU faculty and staff and make treatment and support for both Mac and PC users equal.
A resolution to create a writing committee as a new faculty senate committee also passed. Presented by Professor Ed McNerty, according to the agenda, the committee will verify courses for the writing emphasis requirement at TCU and work to develop an assessment procedure to review the writing emphasis reports.
The new committee will consist of eight faculty and staff. Members of the Faculty Senate will be elected for rotating three-year terms and non Faculty Senate members will be appointed for rotating three-year terms. Members can serve as many terms as desired.
A resolution on faculty inclusively that was supposed to be discussed will be held until the Dec. 1 meeting. The Resolution on Faculty Inclusivity endorses a policy that allows all full-time TCU faculty to have the same privileges despite ranks, designations, or duties. Full-time staff would also be able to express their concerns and opinions in all appropriate departmental, college and Senate forums.
According to the agenda, attendees also heard from police chief Steve McGee and Chief Technology Officer Bryan Lucas about campus security and campus wireless capacity issues, respectively.