As the SGA presidential election draws near, a debate between candidates helped shine light on their platforms.
The TCU Forensics Team hosted a debate Wednesday afternoon between the two Student Government Association candidates for Student Body President.
Brent Folan and Joshua Simpson took the floor of Scharbauer Debate Chamber to discuss issues that are important to the university community.
Simpson, a senior entrepreneurial management and political science double major, said that SGA needs to be more transparent to students. The voice of the students needs to be heard, he said.
Brent Folan, senior finance major and current SGA president, highlighted his ability to bring tailgates to campus this year as a benefit of his presidency.
Folan said he wants a voting student member to be a part of the board of trustees. Simpson countered as he said it is unlikely that a voting student would be appointed to the board of trustees.
The recent town hall meetings were also a topic of discussion during the debate.
Folan said that the meetings do not work well with students’ busy schedules. While Simpson said that the town hall meetings are important because it allows students to feel empowered and have representation.
Both candidates agreed that student organizations are the most important entity for SGA funds.
“Students need to apply for funding,” Folan said. “Otherwise the money will just sit there.”
The candidates had opposite opinions when asked which project was more valued, the bronze SuperFrog statue or the Student Memorial Project.
Folan said the bronze SuperFrog statue encompasses everyone involved with the university. Simpson argued that the Student Memorial Project helped show the world that the university cares about all students – past and present.
Transparency was a major topic for both candidates. Transparency with the budget and how money is spent, as well as demonstrating the importance of SGA, were top priorities for both candidates.
Candidates running for other offices spoke for two minutes each about their platform prior to Folan and Simpson.
Simpson announced at the debate that Vice President of External Affairs candidate Graham McMillan and Vice President for Operations candidate Lauren Sharp were officially running mates. Students can still vote for any candidate in any race.
The SGA election takes place Tuesday, Nov. 13. Students can log on to their accounts and cast their ballot.
Correction: The date of the election is Tuesday, Nov. 13.