Almost 30 people gathered in Rees-Jones Hall last week to discuss the use of the “n-word” in today’s society.
Hosted by the student organization E.Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y, the event started with officers for the organization showing YouTube videos. These videos showed the rise of the word in pop culture and its origin in history.
After the videos, a question and answer session was held with Jean Marie Brown, a TCU journalism instructor, and Lisa Barnett, a TCU faculty member.
Nia Brookins, vice president of E.Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y, asked the two a series of questions. The discussion covered the use of the word as a class issue, the historical context behind it and if the word itself is a part of modern culture.
After the panel, attendees were placed into two groups to have more personal discussions.
Each group was asked questions ranging from “Why do use the word?” to “What situations, if any, is it appropriate for?”
The group discussion also covered the use of other derogatory terms in today’s society and included personal reflections by members of the groups.
Morgan Gunn, a first-year business major, said she felt the discussion spurred a lot of progress.
“We never really get a chance to talk about the n-word in general and the uses of it,” Gunn said. “I feel like everyone here kind of got a clear meaning of what it means to other people, what it means to them personally and if they need to change how they’re doing things.”
Sam Luke, a first-year psychology major, said listening to the perspectives of others is the key to change.
“Growing up, I always saw my viewpoint because I didn’t really know what it was like outside of east Arlington,” Luke said. “So seeing their viewpoint of ‘it’s ok if one person says it, but not another,’ helped.”