“The cult of beauty is a cultural insanity,” according to The Hindu Magazine. Truer words about beauty have never been spoken. In today’s age, everyone must be and is beautiful. Some people go to surgeons for cosmetic operations, others seek tanning salons to darken their skin and most everyone has changed their hair color or tweezed their eyebrows from time to time. Why do we do all this?
We do all this to look, feel and believe we look beautiful. From a young age, people have been taught, knowingly or not, what is considered the standard of beauty from parents, society and television.
In this day and age, women have more freedoms and opportunities to better themselves and their lives than past generations. Young girls are taught that women are feminine, yet strong, creatures, who are undoubtedly intelligent and have the same rights, liberties and prospects as men. There is, however, one aspect of life that has the potential to govern and rule over all humanity (women especially) and is flexible enough to be constantly on the verge of change.
Society, it seems, has always had a deceptive and fickle opinion on the subject of beauty. Women are forever trying to mold themselves to beauty’s dictatorship, and those who conform comfortably or are naturally gifted with the assets of the times are the lucky ones. For the rest, it is a nonstop battle coupled with genetics, money, commitment and time.
This is not to say that lack of these attributes is detrimental or unacceptable, but as much as the truth hurts, a lack of beauty or appearance must be compensated with personality, talent or intelligence. In today’s world, sex sells while beauty dominates, and it is hard to argue otherwise.
Looks don’t matter, some object. It’s personality that’s most important. Well, certainly, personality is important; it remains long after appearances have crumbled and faded. But what is the first thing people notice about others?
Just as we appreciate fine packaging on material goods and attractive commercial advertisements for products and services, our eyes naturally appeal to beauty and splendor. With this desire, strict standards have followed.
In classical Greek and Roman eras, curvaceousness for women was considered unattractive. Chinese women bound their daughters’ feet, bending toes and breaking bones, all to drive men into ecstasy. Just recently, former super-model Tyra Banks was questioned about her 30-pound weight gain.
As much as people try to deny it, appearances and beauty are quite important, even in the modern age.
But people, as well as the times, can change. We are beginning to stubbornly accept and gladly celebrate beauty in its many forms, whether it conforms to society’s expectations or blows expectations out of the water.
We all must realize and come to terms that perhaps outward beauty might forever be something for people to strive for. Not everyone cares about being beautiful, but not everyone can simply throw away the thought. Perhaps the wisest decision is to just conceive one’s own expectations and opinions and realize one’s own limitations.
Life has never been fair, and neither has beauty. All we can do is simply roll with the punches.
Ylona Cupryjak is a sophomore theatre major from Keller.