In today’s society, it is possible to live a life of luxury and never leave home. People are able to work from home, shop from home, talk to anyone from home face-to-face using Webcams and enjoy all of the latest music by going online and downloading it. With constant news coverage online and on television, people staying at home won’t miss what is going on in the world. In fact, they will probably know more of what is happening than those who are out and about.It seems like everyone has his or her own entertainment center right in the comfort of their own homes. Therefore, people no longer need to go out for a movie or a play. Instead, they can watch from home. And thanks to the convenience of Internet shopping, anything that one could ever need can be ordered online and mailed right to his or her front door. This cuts down on time people spend with each other. Shopping from home eliminates the possibility of running into a friend at the grocery store or mall. There is no need to go visit friends because text messaging and calling is so much more convenient. People are not as social as they used to be.
Junior education major Pauline Cooper said, “I think it is unnatural for people to never leave their house. People are not as social anymore.”
The problem society is facing by choosing to stay home instead of going out is that they are missing out on human contact. According to a Los Angeles Times article, playwright Lisa Loomer is in favor of the live theater experience. She describes the importance of being around other people. A live performance can offer an audience a much more fulfilling experience that could never be recorded on TiVo.
“Theater has the power to remind us of our shared humanity,” Loomer said. “In this political climate, that matters.”
People are getting lazy and depriving themselves of quality time with others in their communities by allowing themselves to do everything from home. People can almost always see someone who they know when they go out of the house. Human contact is healthy and keeps life interesting. Without everyday human contact, all people are exposed to are things on television, which is not a very accurate view of the world.
Instead of staying in and watching a sporting event on television or listening to an iPod instead of going to a live concert, go out and experience the real thing. It may be a little bit more expensive but it will be worth it. People deserve to treat themselves to small pleasures, such as going to the theater or out shopping. Life is too stressful not to escape everyday surroundings and get out into the world. Real life experiences are much more memorable than any night spent in front of the television.
Michelle Anderson is a sophomore broadcast journalism major from Tyler. Her column appears Fridays.