A lot of people on campus get lazy during this time of the semester.But, while students can be excused by having had months of weekly papers, quizzes, homework and jobs, TCU faculty have no excuse.
Professors are paid to be here, teach us, test us and grade those tests. It’s not too much to ask a professor to return graded tests in the class following the test day. It’s inexcusable when a professor takes more than a week to grade a test, unless that teacher is grading novel-sized essay exams.
Professors who require homework but only grade the assignments based on completion are lazy. If a student takes the five, 10 or 30 minutes out of his or her day for an assignment, then the professor should at least take the five minutes to grade it for content.
Another unacceptable incident of indolence is ignorance of eCollege, or tcuglobal.edu. The only thing worse than a teacher who only uses the service when it’s convenient for them to do so is one who doesn’t use eCollege at all. All professors should consider using eCollege not only as way to assign work, but more importantly, as a way to keep students informed about what they care about most: grades.
A student who knows his or her grade is a happy student, and a happy student bubbles in “strongly agree” on teacher-evaluation sheets.
It’s unreasonable to paint all professors with the same brush; many professors do remain dedicated to ensuring students are satisfied with their teaching staff.
But, until all professors put as much effort into their work as many students do with theirs, then those evaluation sheets will include penciled-in complaints.
As students prepare for that last week of blood, sweat and tears before summer vacation, faculty should do the same.
Managing editor John-Laurent Tronche for the editorial board.