To carry or not to carry? That is the question TCU Police have to ask when deciding whether officers will carry guns or Tasers while on duty.Chief of Police Steve McGee said all of the police officers carry guns but they don’t carry Tasers.
Taser usage on campus has become a controversial issue following an incident at the University of Florida in which a student was Tased while trying to ask a question at a John Kerry forum.
It is McGee’s decision and at this point, he said, he does not want officers to carry them.
“I am always evaluating the situation, talking to chiefs at other schools, and weighing the pros and cons,” he said. “If it can be used to protect people and ultimately save a life, it could eventually be worth it.”
Allcon said he will continue to weigh the options and keep the safety of the students in mind.
“We are all licensed and commissioned by the state of Texas to be police officers,” McGee said. “We have the same rights as the Fort Worth Police Department.”
Some TCU Police officers also wear bulletproof vests, Sgt. Alvin Allcon said.
“Body armor will stop some bullets, but not all rounds,” he said.
Allcon said body armor was purchased for all officers at the beginning of the summer. McGee said he asked all officers to have their body armor with them, but it is a personal preference as to whether they wear it or not.
“Some just aren’t comfortable in it and would rather just take the chance,” Allcon said. “I’m glad they bought them. I’ll wear it.”
Freshman Alyssa Dolny said she feels very safe with how the TCU Police are armed.
“Despite all the crime alerts we get, I still feel safe,” Dolny said. “I feel like they do a great job keeping this campus safe.”
Allcon said many of the officers are licensed police officers who retired from another department branch before coming to TCU and.
“I retired from the Fort Worth Police Department after serving for 25 years,” he said.
Allcon said they hope to continue to hire more veteran officers. Veterans have the experience and a level of calmness that new officers have yet to acquired, he said.
Allcon said the Constitution has given police a sacred trust to uphold its values.
“It gives us the authority to carry weapons and arrest criminals, as well as many other exceptions,” Allcon said. “In return, you have an awesome responsibility to know you have deadly force with you all the time.