OMG.Why is it that people today like wearing their heart on their sleeve – literally?
People now don’t need to speak to be heard.
A T-shirt is often an expressive vehicle of personal communication for the wearer.
A tribute to your alma mater.
A public expression of political preference.
A way to communicate just how great the (insert sports team) is.
Now, it’s religion.
Oh My God is Awesome Apparel, is a new Christian clothing line made with the goal of “saving lives and bringing people to know Christ,” according to a press release by PRWeb reports.
I read that and am immediately back in a private Catholic junior high school where religious jewelry was the only type students were allowed to wear.
I had WWJD bracelets in every color of the rainbow.
I locked away those bracelets in my Hello Kitty jewelry box soon after eighth grade and for good reason.
OMG Apparel is targeting the “young people who seem to be off track right now – especially those in poorer communities,” said B. Russell, founder of OMG Apparel.
The company has been using MySpace as its primary form of marketing, and it enjoys some international attention, Russell said.
As of Thursday afternoon, the MySpace group had 771 members.
Russell said he’s donating 10 percent of company profits to the Boys and Girls Club of America.
Having been in operation for three months, Russell said the company has had tremendous success with T-shirts being the most popular item purchased.
Good for him and good for his company.
Even though Russell has honorable intentions, religion is something very personal – something that runs deeper than any shirt or accessory I could wear.
Religion is in the way you treat others; it isn’t something that can be said or printed on a T-shirt. It’s something that should be lived.
A T-shirt cannot adequately communicate your relationship with whatever higher power you might believe in.
When a Christian clothing line becomes a fashion trend, the foundation of that religion is reduced to something you throw on to go to class or the gym.
Jesus is my homeboy, but I am not going to wear that on a T-shirt.
Opinion editor Sonya Cisneros is a senior news-editorial journalism and communication studies major from Fort Worth.