I think the Beach Boys had the right idea when they sang, “Two girls for every boy.” I’m no betting man, but I know favorable odds when I see them, and attending a school where the undergraduate majority is the opposite sex has its advantages.
With a TCU population that is 58 percent women, it is easy to see how in the next few years the Beach Boys’ light-hearted tune could turn prophetic in the realm of higher education at least.
That’s quite alright with me.
At one point in my college career I briefly toyed with the idea of transferring to Texas Woman’s University just to check out the dating scene.
I figured if the place has the possessive form of the word women in the title, there’s bound to be scads of them, I mean they own the place.
My odds could only get better.
Now that I sound like a completely chauvinistic pig, it’s time to redeem myself.
I don’t plan on moving to Utah anytime soon to start up one of those super families you see on “Dateline” with eight wives, 254 children and three dogs.
I very much believe in monogamy. But, it’s just nice to know that if I decided to look for that certain special someone, I would have less competition and more options.
I would never transfer to Texas Woman’s University, or anywhere else for that matter, because as anyone who has spent any significant amount of time here at TCU knows, we have the most beautiful, sweetest and most elegant ladies around. Take that SMU!
There could be a benefit for future male applicants. They are, in effect, a hot commodity for schools trying to maintain an even balance.
But under this phenomenon lies a serious issue.
Could it be that women are truly better fit for the college atmosphere? Are men getting dumber, lazier, more apathetic or a combination of these rendering them less capable of making it into college? What does this mean for the workforce and politics?
Only in time will the ramifications of current university attendance practices become evident, and, aside from having more potential dates for the next Victory, the consequences for males might not be too great.
Michael Best is a senior news-editorial journalism major from Longview.