Security seems to top the list of concerns anywhere from businesses to schools to airports.TCU is no exception to this rule especially with the recent harassing phone calls made to KTCU disc jockies Tuesday night.
These calls were severe enough to prompt security guards to escort the DJs home. With something as unorthodox as a disgruntled listener making threats to a student radio station, the RTVF faculty and TCU Police acted exceptionally quickly and diligently to safeguard the affected students.
Additionally, they kept the student’s safety at the forefront of their concerns by having the station go off the air and suspend any radio activity until the next day.
Richard Allen, chair of the radio-TV-film department, said shutting down the station was warranted because of how threatened the students felt and that keeping the students safe was the school’s highest priority.
“We have an obligation as a school unto our students,” Allen said the evening of the incident.
TCU Police Sgt. Alvin Allcon said the phone calls were made by an individual who had gone to the station previously to complain about the music being played. He said the identity of the suspect was known but could not be disclosed.
Threatening phone calls are not unusual to a radio station. However, in a university setting the incident raises questions about the campus-security safety net some students feel exists.
Despite the apparent danger, TCU’s safety net remains relatively intact and it’s a comfort to know that if a problem arises it will be dealt with quickly. It is hoped TCU Police will be able to resolve this situation soon, so students at KTCU can get back to normal work life with as few problems as possible.
Photo editor Michael Bou-Nacklie for the editorial board.