If the proposal to tear down the Brown-Lupton Student Center is passed by the Board of Trustees on Friday, the section connecting it to Reed Hall will be demolished this summer and replaced with a courtyard, said the vice chancellor for finance and administration.A new, smaller building with a better design for the purpose of supporting programs in the AddRan College, which would be more efficient and would allow for more green space between the new Brown-Lupton Student Union and Reed Hall, said Brian Gutierrez, vice chancellor for finance and administration.
“The cost to completely remodel the existing structure inside and out is significant in comparison to the cost of new construction,” said Gutierrez in an e-mail about why the proposal calls for the destruction of the building.
“There’s almost no way to effectively go north and south on the campus and what we want to do is create a very nice walk way,” said Don Mills, vice chancellor for student affairs.
The removal of the section connecting the two buildings will be demolished along with Eden’s Greens and Deco Deli in the lower level of Reed, the AddRan Dean’s office suites on the first level and the Faculty Center on the second level, Mills said.
Rumors that there are no plans to replace the Faculty Center have caused concern among some faculty and staff, said Gladys Cleaver, who has been the Faculty Center attendant for the last seven years.
The Faculty Center is a room in Reed Hall where lunch is available for faculty and staff during the week, said Spanish professor Donald Frischmann, whose office is located across from the Faculty Center. The Faculty Center is also used for activities and events such as award ceremonies, book signings and interviews, Frischmann said.
Cleaver said the faculty and staff are just as important as the students and they should have a special space on campus to relax and congregate.
“I was very surprised that we were overlooked,” Frischmann said. “I know there’s going to be a super student center and the new residence halls are all state of the art and I feel that we the faculty also deserve a special place.”
Mills said there are no plans to replace the Faculty Center at this time. But whether the building is remodeled or replaced, there will still be areas of the building where faculty can carry out activities previously conducted in the Faculty Center, he said.
“I personally expected that there would be a new faculty club announced, something that would be in some ways even better,” Frischmann said.
Mills said in order to operate a faculty club at a school the size of TCU, it would either be very expensive for faculty or there would have to be a raise in tuition, therefore, the university decided not to add a faculty club at this time.