There seems to be news about how TCU is becoming more eco-friendly every day. There is the TCU Purple Bike program, plans for a walking campus and the RecycleMania campaign.Not to be outdone, TCU payroll will soon have a greener attitude as well. All financial information from paychecks to W-2 forms will be available online, making more than 72,000 printouts and envelopes unnecessary. The plan is to complete this change by the end of January when W-2s are sent out.
In keeping with the newfound TCU spirit of going green, this step does need participation from students in order to work.
Payroll officials said about 1,500 students are not responding to e-mails about the switch.
That is unfortunate, because now that mailboxes will be less cluttered with financial documents, e-mail inboxes will become more cluttered with notices about paychecks.
This and other going green ideas are all an effort to reduce everyone’s environmental footprint, however, TCU students need to get on the bandwagon in order to make this change happen before the beginning of the tax season.
By no means is this a revolutionary step, banks have been offering paperless billing for years, so such a switch is expected.
If security standards stay the same or increase, there are no real reasons why students should want to keep receiving paper invoices at the expense of the environment.
All financial information will be available online, and paychecks can be tracked back to 1998.
The change from paper to online will cause less clutter and also help TCU become a little bit more eco-friendly, which is a hard thing to argue against.
Photo editor Michael Bou-Nacklie for the editorial board.