The campus radio station is installing new devices to ensure the safety of its staff, after threatening phone calls forced the station to be evacuated two weeks ago.On Oct. 23, a man called and threatened to come to the station, KTCU FM 88.7 “The Choice,” after he made complaints about the music and said racial slurs about a disc jockey. Following the threat, students were evacuated from the station located in Moudy Building South.
Richard Allen, chair of the radio-TV-film department, and students who work for KTCU requested that new precautions be placed outside the radio station in order to ensure safety, Chancellor Victor Boschini said.
“I think that the reality is that there is somebody out there who has a gripe against the station for whatever reason, and I think we are protecting ourselves now,” Allen said.
“I’m so glad that the university is responding so quickly to our concerns.”
The radio station’s door will be accessible by key card, and cameras will be outside of the station with a monitor inside the control room, said Jeff Yale, program director for KTCU.
“They requested the key card access because it is a way to make them feel safer,” Boschini said.
Station manager Russell Scott said the updates will be good for the station.
“It just gives us a little peace of mind and a little security, especially for students who have to be here late at night, early in the mornings and on weekends,” Scott said.
Celeste Greene, KTCU Web manager, said the added security is necessary at the station.
“It should have been in place years ago,” said Greene, a senior radio-TV-film major. “People are going in and out all the time. This is the easiest way to make sure people who need to get in can get in, while those who don’t need to come in can’t.”
The issue of how to ensure student safety was discussed at a station managers’ meeting that was called after the threat incident, Greene said.
“I think it’s a very good preventative measure because we’re on the air until one everyday, so now people can feel safe that not just anybody can walk into our station,” said Scott Blusiewicz, a journalism graduate student and sports director for KTCU.
Since the incident, TCU Police officers have been coming by the station during operating hours – 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. – to make sure everything is safe, said Brian Fox, KTCU production manager.