A fraction of a percent separates the two remaining Student Government Association presidential candidates heading into Thursday’s run-off election.Out of 2,131 votes cast for president, there was a .32 percent difference – seven votes – dividing Nate Arnold and Thomas Pressly. None of the three candidates received a majority, said Kim Appel, SGA adviser.
“The fact that only seven votes separated us shows that the students had a lot of energy,” said Arnold, a junior marketing major.
Other candidates included Daniel Becker and Justin Brown. Brown dropped out of the race before the elections began.
Pressly said he sees the run-off as exciting.
“This is a great opportunity to continue our campaigning and let the students decide who has the best ideas,” said Pressly, a junior history major.
The run-off election will take place Thursday.
“It is important for all students to know that every single vote does make a difference,” Appel said. “When it comes down to seven votes, you have to realize that every individual counts.”
Sophomore psychology major Brett Major said he was in disbelief after winning vice president, beating out Haley Murphy.
“I have been waiting for this day for a while, and it is finally here,” Major said. “We already have a cohesive group and now we can start getting ready for next year.”
With a majority of 2,096 votes, sophomore business major Jacob Barnes defeated Perry Cunningham and was elected SGA treasurer.
“Overall, I am relieved the elections are over because I think both Perry and I did a great job campaigning,” he said. “All the hard work paid off.”
Elected for another term, junior marketing major Kristen Chapman won Programming Council chair. Chapman ran unopposed.
“This year is going to be fun because now that I have experience from last year, I know what works and what does not,” she said.
Jace Thompson, student body president, said Thursday is going to be difficult for the student voters.
“Both candidates have proven to be great leaders in their past positions in student government,” Thompson said. “I think the student body has one tough decision ahead of them.”
For Your Info.
SGA Election Results
Nate Arnold: 931
Thomas Pressly: 924
Daniel Becker: 229
Write-In: 25
Abstain: 22
Total: 2131
Vice President
Brett Major: 1178
Haley Murphy: 844
Abstain: 57
Write-In: 24
Total: 2103
Jacob Barnes: 1290
Perry Cunningham: 692
Abstain: 95
Write-In: 19
Total: 2096
Programming Chair
Kristen Chapman: 1832
Abstain: 141
Write-In: 80
Total: 2053