The Student Government Association resolution to bring jazz programming back to KTCU FM 88.7 “The Choice” was vetoed Wednesday by the SGA president. Jace Thompson, SGA president, said he vetoed the resolution because it did not represent the interests of the entire student body.
Thompson said he talked to Russell Scott, KTCU station manager, and another student who informed him that no one had consulted them before building the resolution. Thompson said the resolution’s author should have researched KTCU’s perspective to validate the resolutions’ necessity.
Scott said no one contacted KTCU regarding the resolution.
“I guess I am a little disappointed that there was no attempt to initiate a dialogue with KTCU prior to taking this to the SGA,” Scott said.
Scott said the decision to take off the jazz programming was made after consulting the KTCU staff and other students. KTCU staff members had not shown interest in working during hours when jazz was aired, Scott said.
Jazz previously aired between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. After it was taken off the air, fewer than five students called to complain about it, Scott said.
Justin Brown, author of the resolution and Student Relations Committee chairman, said he could not understand why the resolution was so debated.
Brown said the resolution was in a perfectly acceptable format and had passed through the executive board and the House of Representatives and had gained a lot of support. He said the resolution should not have been vetoed.
“It is very irresponsible and inappropriate for a single member of any organization to exercise power,” Brown said.
This was not an impromptu resolution, and he had been working on it ever since the issue was first brought to his attention this semester by his committee members, Brown said.
Jazz is an instrumental part of art and culture in society, he said, and that is why he decided to advocate for it, he said.
Brown said he had spoken to more than 100 students on several occasions and even those who did not listen to jazz thought it was a good idea to include jazz in KTCU programming.
He said he had also spoken to DJs at KTCU about the resolution and was planning to speak to the authorities, including the station manager, once the resolution was passed. The resolution was intended to help facilitate a solution to bring the jazz program back before working with KTCU, Brown said.
This is Thompson’s second veto as president.