CHEERS to the university for making campus more environmentally friendly with biodegradable utensils and to-go boxes in dining locations. The innovative Spudware is a step in the right direction toward making a difference in the environment.CHEERS to the Neeley School of Business for the multiple awards won and for raising its admission standards. To be the best, you must only accept the best.
JEERS to Residential Services for creating a dining plan that could have a $2,100 price tag and will go into effect next fall. Deco Deli and Eden’s Greens, you will be dearly missed.
CHEERS to the members of Green River Ordinance for showing us that hard work and dedication pays off – literally – with a record deal from Capitol Records. Their work around the community and attempts to raise awareness for Darfur should also be applauded.
CHEERS to Residential Services for allowing students to access their on-campus housing during Christmas break. There is nothing worse than being alone on Christmas, and TCU has made that possible for students from far away places.
JEERS to the Mountain West Conference for scheduling the football team for three Thursday night games. The Horned Frogs 7-5 record may have been different had the team played on full rest those weeks.
CHEERS to the university for upgrading to wireless Internet in campus dormitories. Facebook can now be accessed from the basement while waiting on laundry to finish the spin-cycle.
CHEERS to Horned Frog basketball fans for camping outside of Daniel-Meyer Coliseum to create a big-game atmosphere for the Nov. 13 win against Rice. The best way to promote a winning atmosphere is to have the support on the homecourt.
JEERS to every person on campus in a position of power who stonewalls and withholds important information from students.
The Daily Skiff editorial board.