One more commencement will pass without the iconic figure of TCU – Frog Fountain.Harold Leeman, associate director of Physical Plant administration, said the fountain is still being reconstructed.
“The foundations for the flutes have been placed, and all the piping and electrical conduits are being set now,” Leeman said. “The actual flutes have been refurbished off-site and are ready to be bolted in place when the actual fountain is completed.”
The fountain, dismantled in May 2006, was in need of minor repairs, said Brian Gutierrez, vice chancellor for finance and administration.
Leeman said they are working to have Frog Fountain finished by mid-December.
At the graduation reception in May, seniors were able to stand in front of a life-size photo of Frog Fountain for one last photo opportunity.
This year, the large backdrop will be available for the graduating seniors, said Margaret Kelly, executive director for community projects, marketing and communication.
Kelly said that due to space constraints, the backdrop and inflatable Horned Frog will be set up on the lawn behind the Dee J. Kelly Alumni Center.
Graduating seniors, such as Leigh Conway, have not thought about Frog Fountain not being ready because they were told it would be ready this fall.
“It is depressing that it is not complete but to tell the truth, I have never really thought about it,” said Conway, an accounting and finance major.
Meredith Hamilton, an education major, agreed.
“I am a little sad that it’s not there and that campus is in such transition right now,” Hamilton said. “I’ll be at TCU until next December for graduate school, though, so I’ll look forward to taking my picture in front of the fountain when I graduate for good in December.