Campus construction is booming and tuition increases steadily each year, which often leaves students wishing they weren’t born in the late 1980s to avoid dealing with the university’s burst in development.
Students may not know exactly how the university spends its money or why it asks for more each year. But by thinking positively, some may find satisfaction by knowing that in years to come TCU will be better than it is today.
The sacrifices and adjustments students make today in dealing with campus construction and higher tuition costs should be thought of as good deeds or a monetary contribution to the university’s growing prestige.
TCU’s retention rates have increased by three percentage points since 2005, which positively suggests TCU will be ranked higher in future college rankings. The 2007 Student Success Initiative calls for an additional two-point retention increase by 2010.
While university sources admit higher retention is usually accompanied by higher tuition costs, they claim social connections among students are the final determining factor in retention rates.
It is unlikely that strong social connections have suddenly become easier for students to obtain in recent years. It is also unclear as to whether new campus facilities are produced in an effort to make students interact with each other more often, and thus, be more socially connected.
If a tuition increase, in fact, means a retention rate increase, make it clear. If tuition rates can make TCU a much better place in the future, the raise may be worth it.