In addition to the Spudware utensils in the cafeteria, there is another step the university is taking to become more environmentally-friendly.
Financial Services has adopted e-Z Bills, an electronic billing format for student accounts. This new billing will take affect in February. Starting in June, bills in the mail will be a thing of the past.
Everything will be done via e-mail and the World Wide Web.
The change is sure to decrease money spent on paper and postage. In addition, e-Z bills will be available 24/7 online and give access to previous bills. No more keeping track of paper.
However, the decrease is not only monetary. Being environmentally-friendly coincides with TCU’s mission statement as educating individuals to act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens.
Taking care of our environment is acting as an ethical leader. Students should be proud the university is taking such an initiative.
But there is more work to be done. TCU could take extra measures to continue in an environmentally-friendly direction, such as getting bottle recycling in the library. Students are sure to have noticed the waste bins overfilling with Red Bull cans and water bottles, especially during finals week.
Getting biodegradable utensils and removing extra paper are just a couple of baby steps in the right direction, but those little steps are sure to help the university and the student body become more aware of the issues concerning the environment.