Kudos to the Student Government Association for not overriding a veto that would bring back an undemocratic resolution.
SGA’s resolution requesting that KTCU FM 88.7 “The Choice” bring back jazz programming last fall evoked opposition by KTCU and students. Later, the resolution was rightly vetoed by Jace Thompson, outgoing student body president. But despite the president’s veto, the same resolution resurfaced Tuesday.
SGA made the right decision this time and did not allow the resolution to pass.
Jazz previously aired on KTCU from 1 to 4 p.m. and Russell Scott, KTCU station manager, said after jazz was taken off the air, fewer than five students complained to the station.
Last fall, Jeff Yale, KTCU program director, said KTCU’s job is to change as programming needs of students change in order to increase listenership.
The radio station is under no obligation to adhere to the personal desires of the student government; its obligation is to its audience.
Thompson seemed to recognize SGA was overstepping its bounds at the time, and its resurfacing Tuesday was unnecessary.
SGA’s role is not to manage other campus organizations – such a position would violate First Amendment rights. SGA should be run as a democracy, not a dictatorship.
When SGA begins micromanaging independent organizations, its credibility as a student government will suffer. More important issues will inevitably be pushed aside as long as such frivolous issues clutter SGA’s agenda.
The fact that the resolution was revisited is laughable, but at least SGA members were given a chance to redeem their earlier vote.