A Ministers Week workshop will examine how biblical forgiveness is the heart of any healing process.
“The Faithful Struggle to Forgive” will be the subject of a workshop Wednesday sponsored by Brite Divinity School.
“When we are caught in the midst of hurt, betrayal, injury and injustice, that’s when we find ourselves struggling with aspects of forgiveness,” said speaker Joretta Marshall, professor of pastoral theology and pastoral care and counseling at Brite.
Ministers Week is sponsored by Brite in cooperation with TCU and University Christian Church and will bring about 300 pastors to campus for lectures, workshops and sermons featuring teachers, scholars and practitioners of ministry, according to the Brite Web site.
Melanie Hanna, director of annual fund and constituent relations, said Ministers Week offers students and faculty the opportunity for networking and honoring the work of many great theologians.
“Even if you can only make one of the workshops, the experience will be worth it,” Hanna said.
Marsahall said her workshop can help students live a more abundant life.
Eilene Theilig, director of lay and continuing education for Brite, said the world is in such need of forgiveness at both the personal and professional levels, yet forgiveness and true healing are difficult.
“This workshop will take an honest look at what is needed to bring about forgiveness in our lives,” Theilig said.
Marshall said she loves doing workshops because it gives her the ability to influence the world and share new ideas.
The workshop will have sessions at 9 and 11 a.m. and a third session for questions and answers at 2 p.m. at University Christian Church.
The events are free, but registration is required. Registration for events, information and a list of speakers can be found at Brite’s Web site.