The Student Government Association acted in students’ best interests Tuesday, passing a resolution condemning the gossip Web site
SGA’s effort to nix student use of the site is commendable – the Web site is slanderous and does nothing but breed negativity.
In fact, its slogan, “always anonymous, always juicy,” is almost asking for people to write things about their peers they would otherwise be ashamed to write.
The information one posts doesn’t even have to be true. The Web site has almost made itself lawsuit proof – in its terms and conditions it says, in a nutshell, that no one from JuicyCampus will be liable for any damage from content accessed through the site.
And there can definitely be damage.
If an employer Googles the name of a potential employee and some nonsense gossip pops up from JuicyCampus, he or she may decide this candidate is not the best person for the job.
If students really are of the quality that the university brags about, they will stay off this site. Seeking revenge through a gossip Web site is unethical – in fact, it’s cowardly.
Through its resolution, SGA intends to campaign against usage of the site and to educate students about its negative effects. But more than this, the resolution calls for the student body president to take a knife to the Web site’s financial base, its advertisers.
The president, as requested by the resolution, will send out letters to each of the advertisers asking them to terminate relations with the site.
Although TCU is only one university, SGA is taking a step in the right direction and is setting an example for other colleges across the country.
So follow SGA’s advice and help TCU rise above this juvenile practice.