Are you Audrey ÃÂ- a 24-year-old sassy, hardworking perfectionist who does whatever it takes to get to the top?
The radio-TV-film department is on a hunt to find characters for its pilot, “A Fork in the Road,” through open auditions today.
Maggie Truitt, a senior radio-TV-film major and an executive producer, said the pilot is a department-wide production based on an idea some of the students had in a dramatic writing class.
“A Fork in the Road” is a story about Audrey, who works for a Fortune 500 company and gets relocated in a small South Carolina town to run the Lazy River Cafe, Truitt said. The story moves as she comes across a group of country people including Stewart, a celebrity chef who was kicked off his TV show after a scandalous event.
“She comes into the situation and shocks everyone,” said Katherine Beattie, a senior radio-TV-film major and another executive producer of the pilot.
Truitt said her personality can be compared to Monica from “Friends.”
Beattie said “Fork in the Road” has a female lead and the pilot has a wide appeal.
“We’re trying to reach the 18 to 34 demographic,” she said.
Truitt said the team is handling standard auditions and has asked talent agencies in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to showcase their talent for the pilot. She also said she hopes to see TCU students in the casting call. Charles LaMendola, a radio-TV-film instructor, and a group of students associated with the pilot will cast it.
LaMendola said the team has some character sketches and profiles but the auditions may have surprises.
“We’ll try to go in with an open mind,” he said.
Brittany Teague, a senior radio-TV-film major and one of the pilot’s writers, said it would be exciting to see the script come alive.
“I’m excited to see my vision appear in the auditions,” Teague said.
“A Fork in the Road” is a 22-minute pilot, unlike radio-TV-film’s most recent production, “Southern Comforts,” which was 10 episodes and aired spring 2007, Truitt said.
“We want quality production values,” Truitt said. “We want one final product that we can show and a quality episode.”
The shooting for “A Fork in the Road” starts April 3, and the team hasn’t decided when and which channel the pilot will be aired on, Teague said. DVDs will also be available for sale after its airing.