As the only undefeated team at TCU, the men’s tennis team sees itself as an unheralded squad looking to burn its mark as the season goes on.
Junior Kriegler Brink is one of the squads leading contributors to a team now ranked No. 46 in the nation and that is 8-0.
Last fall Brink led the team with a 9-4 record in singles.
He is part of a dominating doubles team with senior Cosmin Cotet, which is now ranked No. 14 nationally, climbing from the No. 44 ranking.
The teammates are 6-1 on the season with their only loss against the No. 10-ranked Texas Tech duo Bojan Szumanski and Christian Rojmar.
This weekend, Brink said, the team faces two of its toughest tests against the University of Minnesota and Oklahoma State.
Q: How important are the matches against Minnesota and Oklahoma State this weekend in setting the tone for the season?
A: This Sunday should be a really tough one. Oklahoma State is a really good team and should be a tester.
Q: Are there any other matchups this season the team is particularly looking at?
A: Illinois is a top-10 team in the nation so they will show us what we’re made of.
Q: Being the only undefeated team at TCU, does the team feel it is being represented well and getting the support it deserves?
A: Fan support could always improve but we have seen new people out there. There are a lot of new faces along with the old faces. I feel like the basketball team sometimes get too much attention when they’re not doing as well as us, but we’re just trying to think about having fun.
Q: Since the team has played six of its eight matches at home this season, is it nervous at all about a rough second half of the season featuring 12 away games?
A: Playing in Fort Worth helps a lot. We’re used to the courts and having friends at the matches helps a lot. It will definitely be tougher once we go away.
Q: What is the team’s main strength?
A: I would say doubles have improved a lot. We feel that we have a better chance of winning in doubles.
Q: You are from South Africa and the team also has freshman Emanu Brighiu and senior Cotet from Romania. What does that add to the team?
A: It brings more depth to the team and it strengthens it a lot. We’re also friends and learning things about the rest of the world. Brighiu has been big time for us.