The preset rules of writing – Times New Roman font, one-inch margins and double-spacing – are changing, a Michigan State University associate professor said.
Danielle Nicole DeVoss, associate professor of writing, rhetoric and American cultures and associate chairwoman and director of the Professional Writing program at Michigan State, said her lecture, “Intellectual Property, Multimedia Composing and Digital Writing Research,” will focus on how writing is changing shape and how copyright changes in digital spaces.
She said she will discuss the ethical and legal dimensions of intellectual property, which is copyright law for new media.
DeVoss said digital spaces have made it easier to share material, which is especially helpful when students are asked to create digital material for the classroom.
She said she encourages undergraduate students to think about the way writing has developed because it is important for their future.
“When they are working with nonprofits, with corporations or in their professional life, they are not going to be writing five-paragraph essays,” she said.
The lecture will examine examples from YouTube and a few past legal cases, she said.
Brad Lucas, assistant professor and director of undergraduate studies in rhetoric, composition and new media writing, said DeVoss’ lecture will appeal to students who have an interest in communications, copyright and digital writing.
“She represents the cutting edge in writing in a digital environment,” he said.
DeVoss said she thinks the lecture will appeal to most people, but particularly to graduate students who plan to teach.
“Some of the nitty-gritty research-related and theoretical stuff – I think graduate students will eat that stuff up,” she said.
Joddy Murray, assistant professor of rhetoric and new media, said students must learn to write using all the digital tools that are available in an increasingly digital environment.
Murray said he teaches new media writing to help students understand the different environments and how their writing needs to change.
“Being a writer today does not mean just writing on 8 1/2 by 11 sheets of paper,” Murray said.
The English department and a TCU Instructional Development Grant will sponsor the event.
For Your Info
“Intellectual Property, Multimedia Composing and Digital Writing Research”
Who: Danielle Nicole DeVoss, Michigan State University
When: 7 p.m. today
Where: Brown-Lupton Student Center, Room 203
Admission: free