The 2009 Horned Frog football schedule is still missing one opponent, but not for long, according to Jack Hesselbrock, associate athletics director for internal relations.
Hesselbrock said the athletic administration has reached an agreement with a school, but wants to wait to make an official announcement.
The nonconference schedule should be finalized within seven to ten days, Hesselbrock said.
“We’ve got a couple things we’ve got to work out with another school to move some things and they have got to move some things, but we are pretty locked in on one school in particular.”
Hesselbrock said the Frogs and this unnamed team will play a home-and-home series, meaning the Frogs will go on the road this year and this opponent will visit Amon Carter Stadium in the future.
“We are probably going to do a letter of agreement so that both schools can announce it without confirming a date,” Hesselbrock said. “There is one nonconference game that may get moved for a better TV time and that is the only thing we are waiting on.”
The director said it isn’t a matter of if this matchup will occur, but when.
“It’s a nice, solid name that people will know,” Hesselbrock said.
According to and team Web sites, there are approximately 30 teams other than TCU that are in need of at least one nonconference game. The University of Virginia is on that list, but the Cavaliers are already on the Frogs’ slate.
No. 8 Penn State is the highest ranked team without a full nonconference schedule, other than the No. 7 Frogs. The University of North Texas and University of Houston are the only other teams from Texas on the list.
TCU is the only Mountain West Conference team without a full nonconference schedule, according to these Web sites.