Programming Council and the Student Filmmakers Association are hosting a red carpet event that will showcase student-produced films on Friday.
Jason Knutzen, senior radio-TV-film major and president of the Student Filmmakers Association, said the event is a premiere of the projects that students have been working on for the past three semesters.
“We want to showcase the effort, work and time students have put into these films,” Knutzen said.
The 50-60 members in the SFA are divided into film crews, directors and actors, Knutzen said.
When: 6:30 p.m. Friday |
Where: BLUU Auditorium |
Admission is free for all students |
The members serve on at least one crew per semester and produce 3 films.
Each film is allotted a $500budget, which comes from membership dues and the SGA activities board, Knutzen said.
The event will feature 13 student-produced films, some of which are award-winning, such as “Amendment II.”
Ross Murray, senior radio-TV-film major and co-director of “Amendment II,” said the film is a western film set in a grocery store and is about a man rescuing his wife from a store robbery.
Murray said “Amendment II” has been shown at the North Texas College Showcase at AFI Dallas, and the Dark Horse Film Festival where it won best cinematography.
“I’m looking forward to having people see the things I have been working on for the last three years,” Murray said. “I hope people are entertained by them.”
Justin Paxton, freshman pre-business major and the lectures, forums and films director for Programming Council, said the event will be divided into two sections. The first portion will feature 20-30 minute films and the second portion will showcase films produced as part of a 48-hour experience, during which students filmed, produced and edited a film within 48 hours.
The event is open to the public. Admission is free.