Please, will someone tell me again how the Living Learning Communities act to diversify and be inclusive at the same time?
Chancellor Victor Boschini’s recent decision to reject the new LLCs will undoubtedly heighten the controversy that has gone nationwide in recent weeks. Discussions will inevitably revolve around how “Christian” Texas Christian University is and whether or not these communities will limit separation on campus or intensify it.
These communities, specifically the DiversCity Q LLC, give a nationwide message that TCU is interested in accommodating for the individual, instead of promoting unity. Of course our chancellor decided against it; not so much for the content, but the message it sends out.
It really says, “Hey, we expect the professional workplace to give you special treatment, so here’s your own LLC!”
On the TCU Facebook fan page, a myriad of comments arose from alumni about this topic. Many said that they would discontinue their donations or cancel their season football tickets if this LLC plan continued to fruition.
One comment questions what happened to the “Christian” in Texas Christian University. This made me think about what that meant. Really, Texas Christian University is only as “Christian” as its members choose to make it. Having “Christian” in the name does not mean all its members carry out this belief system.
At the same time, it is a Christian mantra to “judge not, or be judged,” or “do unto others.” As the chancellor said, the decision not to continue with the LLCs is not targeted at “approved housing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning students and their supporters,” according to Tuesday’s story in the Skiff. It’s a matter of whether or not it promotes unity. The fact of the matter is that students will not be going into the workplace after leaving the university on the condition that we are given co-workers who co-exist as we exist, or even have the same culture we have.
TCU is the common thread that unifies us, not divides us. When we graduate, we are individuals that have experienced the Horned Frog culture. This should be our ultimate unification. It shouldn’t be whether or not I had the same sexual orientation or environmental beliefs as my roommate. In the end, that’s not how we remember our college years at TCU.
Riff. Ram. Bah. Zoo. Unify, TCU!
Ashley Tambunga is a junior English major from Fort Worth