The university’s efforts to provide housing to all accepted students is a commendable endeavor. However, an effort should be made to make those forced to live off campus pay less. In an article in Tuesday’s Skiff, Craig Allen, director of Residential Services, said a spot in the Cantey Place housing section ranged from $3,700 to $4,400 per semester depending on the room students chose. In contrast, rooms on campus range from $2,275 per semester for a triple in Colby Hall to $3,700 per semester for a super single in the Tom Brown-Pete Wright apartments, which are reserved almost exclusively for upperclassmen.
If the university is making the families of students pay more for living space because there is no room available on campus, it doesn’t seem very responsible. If the parent of an incoming student expects to pay a certain amount for housing but is then stuck with a bill for almost twice as much, the university should try and make up the difference in the form of scholarships or a discounted meal plan. Tacking on another $1,000 to $1,500 to an already expensive education needs to be made up in some form by the university.
Pretty soon, wallets, not high school transcripts, will be the deciding factor in admission to the university if this situation is not addressed.
Editor-in-chief David Hall for the editorial board.