Alcohol will return to tailgates on campus, but students will not be able to bring their own alcohol as it will be provided by a third-party alcohol provider, a university official said.
Kelsie Johnson, student body president, Lindsay Ray, Panhellenic Council president, and Evan Berlin, Interfraternity Council president, led the tailgate proposal, which recognized students’ dissatisfaction with last year’s alcohol ban for university-sponsored tailgates.
The propsal was approved in early June, Berlin said.
According to the 2009 Football Season Tailgate Proposal, tailgating will start two hours prior to football games and will begin shutting down thirty minutes before kick-off.
Students 21 and older will be asked to present a valid student ID and driver’s license, said Don Mills, vice chancellor for student affairs. Wristbands will be given to those who choose to drink alcohol at the pre-game activities.
According to an e-mail sent by Berlin, the wristbands will be affixed with four tabs. With the purchase of each drink, one tab will be cut off, and once the four tabs have been removed, the wristbands will be taken, and the tailgater will receive an “x”, according to the e-mail.
According to the proposal, the wristbands will change colors with each home game.
Marlon Figueroa, SGA treasurer, said tailgates will be held between Colby and Sherley Halls and between Foster and Waits Halls.
Sodexo,the third-party alcohol provider, will sell Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Lite for an undetermined price.
Limiting each student to four drinks will help keep alcohol abuse to a minimum and regulate drinking, Figueroa said.
“Honestly, I think it’s an improvement from what we had last year,” he said. “I like that it’s going to be a lot more controlled and a safer environment for everyone.”
According to the report, organizations looking for a tailgate location will be asked to attend a tailgate certification meeting. The report states that attending the currently unscheduled meeting will allow organizations to fill out a form requesting to participate.
Berlin said students may bring one guest that must be at least 18 years of age to enter and will be asked to present a valid driver’s license.
However, sneaking alcohol to tailgates or drinking underage will have consequences, Berlin said. If caught drinking under age, the student will be asked to leave the tailgate and will be required to visit Campus Life, he said.
“Our hope is that every organization will follow the marching band into the stadium,” he said.
Berlin said the new tailgating plan will make its debut at the first home game Sept. 19 when the Frogs play the Texas State Bobcats.