It’s safe to say that it really is never easy to deal with viral outbreaks. And it is even more difficult if the outbreak is of the swine persuasion.
Even though the cases of H1N1, commonly known as swine flu, on campus have been relatively mild, it is still a serious matter in that the spread of anything on a college campus is distressing.
With that being said, university and health officials have dealt with the issue in a most appropriate manner. Now that the number of cases of possible swine flu have increased, students are urged to stay in their dorms with an excusable absence from class.
And now, in order to solve the issue in a more timely manner, any student who has flu-like symptoms is being treated with Tamiflu, which is used to treat cases of swine flu. University and health officials should be commended for their efforts to simply put the kibosh on any possible case of swine flu rather than wait around for test results to come back.
So while the university does their part, we should continue to do ours by regularly washing our hands and immediately seeing a doctor if flu-like symptoms rear their ugly head. After all, who can afford to miss class during the first week of school?
Web editor Rose Baca for the editorial board.