The Frogs are ranked No. 6 in the nation and are in the driver’s seat of their own destiny. This Saturday, they have the chance to move another step closer to their greatest season in over 70 years. The Frogs are playing Top 10 football, which is more than Texas Tech, Texas A&M and even Oklahoma can say this season. Not to mention this weekend is Homecoming, a time to celebrate the tradition of this school. Why wouldn’t every Frog fan be at Saturday’s game?
It’s a question many fans have tried to answer for years now. How can TCU have such a dominant program yet draw such a mediocre crowd?
Head coach Gary Patterson addressed the issue several times this year. He credited the team’s slow start against Colorado State to lack of energy not only within the players but from the stands. The Frogs have played some of their best football on the road, especially in venues such as Clemson’s Death Valley and BYU’s LaVell Edwards Stadium, where they can draw off of the energy of the crowd, even if it is negative energy toward the Frogs.
Now more than ever, it is up to all Frog fans, alumni, students and community fans alike, to bring the Frogs through the home stretch into a BCS bowl. Patterson even issued a call to action this week at his press conference.
“It’s not all on the shoulders of the team. (Fans) need to get themselves out (and) it needs to be a loud crowd,” Patterson said. “We don’t need to be loud as soon as something good happens. We need to be loud as soon as we walk in the stadium.”
The Frogs have fulfilled their end of the bargain so far, reaching the seven game mark unscathed and putting a nationally-spotlighted beating on BYU so bad it will be hard to forget for many years to come. Now, Frog fans must do their part.
From here on out, BCS representatives will be at TCU football games not only gauging the play on the field, but the loyalty in the stands. The Frogs can play their heart out and run the table, but if a representative thinks Boise State fans can pull in more money, they could get the nod over the Frogs. It might not be the most fair selection process, but money can talk louder than any poll or game score.
It is evident Patterson thinks the intensity of the crowd, or lack thereof, really affects the play on the field. TCU has a coach for which fans should be proud. He understands the role fans play during a game and throughout the course of a season. Frog fans should give him and his team their due respect by showing up to see the fruits of their labor, which this year could be oranges.
So for the rest of this year, gather up your tailgate just a few minutes early to make it into the stadium by kickoff and scream your lungs out, you Frog faithful. Those few minutes lost each week will be made up in one more glorious tailgating opportunity after Jan. 1.